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Day 9 Rest day in Old Bar/Taree

We had a pretty  efficient pack up this morning in the resort, i think spirits and moods were fairly high 1, because it was a rest day and 2 because i promised the boys we would go to see the movie Finding Dory!

I did some quick morning stretching outside while observing the glassy ocean conditions, then it was breakfast and go time.

We dropped into the Marine Rescue Base at Harrington to say hi and leave some gear with them, it was great to check out the weather charts and talk all things ocean conditions with the crew there! After organising our gear we headed into Taree to the movies. Seeing finding Dori was the best, I called it the rest day research, and that it was… it was great to be able to look at the ocean environment from such a fun and care free angle after quite literally being submerged in it for the past 8 days.

On the return back from the movies there was a cyclist hitch hiker attempting to find a ride north. I yelled out to stop the car so we could help him and out we all got. Adrien was from France, he had already been in Australia for 2 months and was mid way through a long cycling trip from Melbourne to Cairns! Massive effort… It was fun to practice what little French we all knew! Check his blog below to follow his massive cycle!

Adrien Schvartz / French cycling guy


The rest of the afternoon/evening was spent settling into the Crowdy Head Surf Club and winding down getting ready to battle the elements the following day!

We were lucky enough yet again to have the generosity of the surf club members drop in and make sure we were comfortable and settled. I even got some gorgeous little mermaid visitors during the evening!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kay Thornton

    Wonderful – u deserve to rest those lil arms!

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