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Day 16 South West Rocks Rest Day

Today was a rest day due to the agonising pain i was in from the previous days paddle both mentally and physically. I was seriously excited about a sleep in, excited like you can’t even imagine (actually maybe you can)!

So sleeping in the South West Rocks Surf Club was pretty cozy, until 5:30am when the eager gym members started waltzing through for their morning session. Unfortunately there was no where for them to walk except right past me as i slept. I did wake, but not due to the noise around me but due to the sweet smell of whatever array of clothes washing detergents the ladies must wash their clothes in. Once my eyes were open that was it, go time. The sunrise was absolutely magic so i raced outside and spent the morning upside-down doing handstands trying to get the ultimate silhouette shot as the sun rose.

Sleep in failed, quiet morning failed. So it became the recovery day run time. I went for a 5km run to try and remember how to use my sea legs again and to also use it as a different way to unwind and switch off. Job done, i felt so much better after the run!

The surf club gym continued to be the most popular hang out point for the day so there was no nap time in the afternoon either. As things finally quietened down around 2pm i thought i’d grab a few moments of rest. I was in bed all of 3 minutes and there was a knock at the door, Fish and Nick had returned after some crazy on land logistics had been covered and complete.

Rest time… what is that anyway! We all chatted and joked around for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening before it was business time all over again.





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